Nurture Art

Nurure Art Through the gift, I am reborn with new eyes Colours pop as clouds swirl high in the skies An abundance of material, so much to choose! Inspiration ignites the vision, emerging from the muse. A couple of weeks ago I fell in love with a gift. A seed was planted after watching the documentary, “Rivers and Tides”, featuring the creations of Andy Goldsworthy. The moment I started making […]

Uniting Work and Play Through the Gift

(Nature Art by Skye) Uniting Work and Play Through the Gift {Left Hemisphere} {Link to Right Hemisphere} . I would like to present an idea that has been developing throughout my experiences over the past few years. In light of recent perspective, I feel now is the time to devote more of myself to its creation. This timing is inspired by two prominent insights I am integrating into the creation […]

Clockwork Life

Clockwork Life Ticking away the moments That make up a dull day Fritter and waste the hours In an off-hand way Kicking around on a piece of ground In your home town Waiting for someone or something To show you the way — “Time” by Pink Floyd — It has been said the key invention that facilitated the Industrial Revolution was not in fact the steam engine. In reality it […]

Living Our Potential

Living Our Potential     I am filled with gratitude and a renewed vitality waking up for my third morning with the Golden Gate bridge and ocean waves out my window. Canadian Thanksgiving, parting with a lover, and the awareness of the U.S. Government shut down and nearing debt default have sparked much reflection as themes of gratitude, love, and fear are reflected back to me. I find myself discovering […]

Subjectivity and Storyteller Consciousness

Subjectivity and Storyteller Consciousness   When we seek outside of ourselves we carry the hidden assumption that our own inner knowing is not to be trusted. Being deprived of the opportunity to develop our individual decision making authority, the space to test boundaries and make mistakes, we become paralyzed with indecision and crippled with disempowerment later in life. Do I go with life path A, or life path B? What […]

Journey Towards Truth

    Journey Towards Truth “Tell the truth and let the chips fall where they may” — Terence McKenna . This past weekend brought a powerful shift in my awareness. It began with the full moon and was carried forward through the Fall Equinox, all encapsulated within the translucent bubble of a festival in California called “Symbiosis Gathering”. The underlying theme of this cocoon was truth – and what emerged […]

A Dreamer’s Dream: Uniting Work and Play Through the Gift {Right Hemisphere}

  A Dreamer’s Dream: Uniting Work and Play Through the Gift {The Right Hemisphere}     * “An individual reunifies with the world when she seeks no longer to triumph over it or control it, but to give to the world and accept its gifts in the full recognition of gratitude. That is what I call “Living in the gift.” Harking to the hunter-gatherer, it is a state of abundance […]

(Un)Earth Magic

    (Un)Earth Magic I fear a world in which the rules control the rule makers.  . I was feeling dejected and a little let down yesterday after having yet another potential experience squelched by the excuse, “there is nothing I can do, that is just the rule”. I had fallen in love with the forest at Patrick’s Point State Park and proposed to the park attendant an alternative to […]

Gifting in the Street

  Gifting in the Street I have heard that street performances are the most honest form of theatre; it is one where the performance is paid for after the show, and the value determined by the audience, rather than a predetermined price paid before the show begins. . Street performances are very much aligned with the mentality of the gift. Here I am – here is my gift – I […]

A Virgin Burn

A Virgin Burn There exists a world within the hearts and minds of each of us, already here, yet still awaiting to be born. It is felt as a calling to return to a state of being we have forgotten, yet never really lost. As we open to the unfolding of this dream we realize there is nothing to learn, only that which need to be remembered. Day by day, […]