Becoming Ecosexual: Weathering Jealousy

The tribe is gathered to celebrate the changing of the seasons. Cool fall air hangs around our bodies with a crispness hinting at the approaching sub zero tipping point of Winter. Full frequency baselines pulse from the black hole speakers, shaking the blanket of air into warmth as the dancers move their branching limbs in mirrored rhythm to the shimmer of the stars above. I am the dance. Eyes closed, […]

Becoming Ecosexual: The Nature of Emotion

The Sun sits high in the crystal blue sky above as it washes our bodies with cellular warmth and fills our eyes with visionary light. We are here in this forest to dance ecstatically, allowing the flow of life to free itself within and become manifest without – through the bodily expressions of our natural movement. The large group of people gathered together is being guided through the collective celestial […]

Releasing Addiction Through Story

Releasing Addiction Through Story I used to think I wanted to watch a movie at the end of the day. Now I realize what I truly desired was to share in story. Before the breakdown of community, people would gather together in the evening and give their creative gifts of food, song, dance, and story. We would know our neighbours through the giving of the day and the nourishing of […]