The Soul Mate Delusion Part Three: The Love Seeds of Genie’s Wisdom

Despite there being a number of poor messages in the Disney movies I watched during my childhood (most I am only recently becoming aware of), there are moments in the stories that glimmer with innocent truths that sparked my imagination and idealism. One movie in particular, and hands down my personal favourite, happened to contain two of the best seeds of relationship advice I have ever come across (and yes, […]

A Double Dose of Ascension: Deconstructing the Paradigm of Growth Through Story

A Double Dose of Ascension: Deconstructing the Paradigm of Growth Through Story   What is the underlying goal of humanity? Is there an unspoken assumption that is driving our relentless technological evolution and value of progress? Perhaps humanity is too large of an umbrella to use and it would be more appropriate to call it “Western Society”. Then again, the story of which I speak is apparently visible in nearly […]

Releasing Addiction Through Story

Releasing Addiction Through Story I used to think I wanted to watch a movie at the end of the day. Now I realize what I truly desired was to share in story. Before the breakdown of community, people would gather together in the evening and give their creative gifts of food, song, dance, and story. We would know our neighbours through the giving of the day and the nourishing of […]