The Soul Mate Delusion Part Two: The Fullness of Boundaries

I find it to be inevitable that one’s personal journey into the question of “Who am I?” leads to an expanded sense of one’s self. The cycles of life and death remind us that we have to let go of everything we consider to be ‘me’ at some point. We practice with our toys as children, discovering the pain of a broken expression of play. We experience it as youth, […]

Money Is. A Dive Into the Magic of Symbol

Money is… How many different ways can you finish that statement? What is money to you? We all have a different way to answer such a question, and this is why I find money to be such a fascinating topic of discussion. Every individual has a unique relationship to the symbol of money – formed and transformed throughout our lives – and this is why a conversation about money becomes […]

Freeing Creativity: Supporting a World of What We Love

Think back to when you were a young child. What did you want to be when you grew up? After having lived twenty-eight years I find it to be a funny question. Why would I want to settle on one thing when there is so much to choose from? At its core though, such a question can contain a powerful clue for the you, now. What form of creativity is […]

Releasing the Creative Flow of Money – Part One: Universal Living Allowance

Releasing the Creative Flow of Money Part One: Universal Living Allowance   {This is the first part of a series I am releasing in the creation of a new story of money and the fulfillment of my dream to unleash the infinite creativity I am reflected back every day through inspiring individuals. If this topic interests you, I invite you to contact me to amplify our creative potential.} What would […]

Elemental Awakening

Elemental Awakening This is a piece my partner Jade and I wrote for the opening of our workshop we created last summer for our tour, called Elemental Awakening. I thought I would post it and I hope you enjoy it! Lots of inspiration from Phil Osophical and Terrance McKenna 🙂   Fire. Water. Air. Earth. Throughout the ages, civilizations have recognized and honoured our sacred connection to the elements. It […]

Ripples of Effect

Ripples of Effect  “How wonderful that no one need wait a single moment to improve the world.” – Anne Frank A question that I often ask myself is, “how can I make the biggest difference in the world?” The magnitude of change required now to steer humanity back onto the path of natural balance is calling forth each of our individual gifts. Indeed, the steps required to repair our home […]