Circle of Gratitude: Seeding the Heart

Circle of Gratitude Seeding the Heart   By recognizing the creative power our stories receive from the agreements we make about our world, we take the first step in becoming the authors of our lives and actors of our story. Once we start observing the language we use to report our lives happening to us, the pattern is broken, and we remember that it is our intention behind the language […]

Moving Into Conscious Relationship: Five Tips for Communal Living

Moving Into Conscious Relationship Five Tips for Communal Living   I would like to dive into a topic that has been a major theme of experience and reflection for me during the last few years. While I hardly consider myself an expert (still learning just as much as I always have) on communal living, I feel drawn to share a few observations that have come into focus in that time. […]

Decomposing the Shadow: A Book Reflection

“Decomposing The Shadow: Lessons from the Psilocybin Mushroom” A Book Reflection   After a quick investigation into the research being shared surrounding mycelium and this unique organism’s ability to decompose and re-balance our planet, it is easy to see mushrooms as an emerging solution to many of the challenges we are facing. Pioneers such as Paul Stamets are showing how mushrooms can be used for everything from cleaning toxic soils […]

Releasing Addiction Through Story

Releasing Addiction Through Story I used to think I wanted to watch a movie at the end of the day. Now I realize what I truly desired was to share in story. Before the breakdown of community, people would gather together in the evening and give their creative gifts of food, song, dance, and story. We would know our neighbours through the giving of the day and the nourishing of […]

Transformation Through Self Honesty

Transformation Through Self Honesty   “We hardly ever realize that we can cut anything out of our lives, anytime, in the blink of an eye.” ― Carlos Castaneda   I am continually amazed at how effective not trying has been as a driver for positive change in my life. The alternative, trying, has been my predominant tactic to instill habits that support a vibrant, energized, and balanced lifestyle. Absolutely there were […]

Uniting Work and Play Through the Gift

(Nature Art by Skye) Uniting Work and Play Through the Gift {Left Hemisphere} {Link to Right Hemisphere} . I would like to present an idea that has been developing throughout my experiences over the past few years. In light of recent perspective, I feel now is the time to devote more of myself to its creation. This timing is inspired by two prominent insights I am integrating into the creation […]

Marching For Peaceful Resolutions

Marching For Peaceful Resolutions     For the past eighteen years, cities across the United States have rallied on October 22nd to show solidarity against police brutality. I am learning that occurrences of police brutality are much more numerous and severe in the United States than they are back home in Canada. A sad truth that is only deepened through the discovery that such violence often leads to death. This […]

Living Our Potential

Living Our Potential     I am filled with gratitude and a renewed vitality waking up for my third morning with the Golden Gate bridge and ocean waves out my window. Canadian Thanksgiving, parting with a lover, and the awareness of the U.S. Government shut down and nearing debt default have sparked much reflection as themes of gratitude, love, and fear are reflected back to me. I find myself discovering […]

Subjectivity and Storyteller Consciousness

Subjectivity and Storyteller Consciousness   When we seek outside of ourselves we carry the hidden assumption that our own inner knowing is not to be trusted. Being deprived of the opportunity to develop our individual decision making authority, the space to test boundaries and make mistakes, we become paralyzed with indecision and crippled with disempowerment later in life. Do I go with life path A, or life path B? What […]

Journey Towards Truth

    Journey Towards Truth “Tell the truth and let the chips fall where they may” — Terence McKenna . This past weekend brought a powerful shift in my awareness. It began with the full moon and was carried forward through the Fall Equinox, all encapsulated within the translucent bubble of a festival in California called “Symbiosis Gathering”. The underlying theme of this cocoon was truth – and what emerged […]