Circle of Gratitude: Seeding the Heart

Circle of Gratitude Seeding the Heart   By recognizing the creative power our stories receive from the agreements we make about our world, we take the first step in becoming the authors of our lives and actors of our story. Once we start observing the language we use to report our lives happening to us, the pattern is broken, and we remember that it is our intention behind the language […]

Decomposing the Shadow: A Book Reflection

“Decomposing The Shadow: Lessons from the Psilocybin Mushroom” A Book Reflection   After a quick investigation into the research being shared surrounding mycelium and this unique organism’s ability to decompose and re-balance our planet, it is easy to see mushrooms as an emerging solution to many of the challenges we are facing. Pioneers such as Paul Stamets are showing how mushrooms can be used for everything from cleaning toxic soils […]

Nurture Art

Nurure Art Through the gift, I am reborn with new eyes Colours pop as clouds swirl high in the skies An abundance of material, so much to choose! Inspiration ignites the vision, emerging from the muse. A couple of weeks ago I fell in love with a gift. A seed was planted after watching the documentary, “Rivers and Tides”, featuring the creations of Andy Goldsworthy. The moment I started making […]

Uniting Work and Play Through the Gift

(Nature Art by Skye) Uniting Work and Play Through the Gift {Left Hemisphere} {Link to Right Hemisphere} . I would like to present an idea that has been developing throughout my experiences over the past few years. In light of recent perspective, I feel now is the time to devote more of myself to its creation. This timing is inspired by two prominent insights I am integrating into the creation […]

Remembering the Guardians

Remembering the Guardians   Every opportunity I have received to explore the Red Wood forests of California has left me with a sense of awe, wonder, and humility. The giant, spiraling guardians towering above, touching the sky with their limbs. I learn more in an afternoon playing than I would during a whole day in front of a screen on the internet. Walking around is like being in a momentary […]

A Gift for the Ocean

  A Gift for the Ocean Inspiration from Andy Goldsworthy   I looked down at the clumps of stringy ocean plants, speckled rhythmically along the smooth sandy beach. What an abundance of beautiful art all around me, I thought. Suddenly, one particular clump caught my eye – it was a large mound with a curved tail coming off of it, in the shape of a spiral! Inspiration struck and I […]

A Dreamer’s Dream: Uniting Work and Play Through the Gift {Right Hemisphere}

  A Dreamer’s Dream: Uniting Work and Play Through the Gift {The Right Hemisphere}     * “An individual reunifies with the world when she seeks no longer to triumph over it or control it, but to give to the world and accept its gifts in the full recognition of gratitude. That is what I call “Living in the gift.” Harking to the hunter-gatherer, it is a state of abundance […]

Gifting in the Street

  Gifting in the Street I have heard that street performances are the most honest form of theatre; it is one where the performance is paid for after the show, and the value determined by the audience, rather than a predetermined price paid before the show begins. . Street performances are very much aligned with the mentality of the gift. Here I am – here is my gift – I […]

A Virgin Burn

A Virgin Burn There exists a world within the hearts and minds of each of us, already here, yet still awaiting to be born. It is felt as a calling to return to a state of being we have forgotten, yet never really lost. As we open to the unfolding of this dream we realize there is nothing to learn, only that which need to be remembered. Day by day, […]

Gifting Words and Healing Through Symbols

      Gifting Words and Healing Through Symbols     I desire to give my gifts because they are the result of gifts having been given to me.   I open myself to the world and step into trusting vulnerability through my writing for two main reasons. One, writing is a process by which I am able to construct a framework of understanding in order to better grasp and […]