Sacred Economics at Motion Notion

Here is the download or stream link to the  raw audio from my Sacred Economics presentation at Motion Notion festival on July 19th, 2012. Sacred Economics with Sky It was pouring rain and the bass was pumping in the backgroundI (kinda sounds like a heartbeat!) to give it the real, festival feel :-p I will be presenting the latest version of the workshop at Shambhala Music Festival on August 13th, 2012 at […]

A Dream of Giving Back

A Dream of Giving Back Mat Rix is fundraising in order to dedicate himself to giving back to, and strengthening, his local community as well as a rural Shipibo (Peruvian) community. I am embarking on a committed, deeply personal, and collective journey of transformation, inner discovery, emotional healing, and community building over the final half of this year. I intend on travelling to a rural Shipibo community in Peru to […]

Upcoming Events, Workshops, and Presentations

Upcoming presentations from Mat Rix – I hope to see you there! <3 > Friday, May 25th – “Lessons from the Jungle” A personal anecdote relating my experiences in Peru while participating in Ayahuasca healing ceremonies with the Shipibo people. This is at the Evolver Calgary’s May Spore: Psychedelic Renaissance: Facebook Event Link >> Sunday, May 27th – “Sharing the Gift” A workshop at Oasis (family friendly space at the Lilac Festival) designed for children that teaches the joys […]

Links to Past Talks

Here are the links to my past talks I have done at our Evolver Calgary Convergences and monthly Spores – I would love to hear your thoughts about them! I would also love to connect if you are interested in what I have to say <3 Enjoy! Living Lucid: Enter the Dreamworld  -> An exploration into lucid dreaming techniques, definitions, possibilities, and tips for dreamers at any level Introduction to […]

A Message to the People of Planet Earth

A Message to the People of Planet Earth I have spent the last 7 years of my life on a quest. A quest to ask some really big questions about myself, life, this world, the universe, and existence. A quest for truth. I came to the realization that if one abandons all identification with their beliefs and viewpoints (which are all simply stories – perceptual spectacles – with which we […]

A Message to the People of Planet Earth

A Message to the People of Planet Earth I have spent the last 7 years of my life on a quest. A quest to ask some really big questions about myself, life, this world, the universe, and existence. A quest for truth. I came to the realization that if one abandons all identification with their beliefs and viewpoints (which are all simply stories – perceptual spectacles – with which we […]

An Avenue of Gratitude

An Avenue of Gratitude Over the past few months I have been studying, experimenting, and storytelling about the best ways in which to align oneself with the spirit of the gift. A foundational element of gifting is the notion of “valuing the flow” – making sure that anything in excess abundance within your life is being passed on to another community member who needs to use it. In essence it […]

An Avenue of Gratitude

An Avenue of Gratitude Over the past few months I have been studying, experimenting, and storytelling about the best ways in which to align oneself with the spirit of the gift. A foundational element of gifting is the notion of “valuing the flow” – making sure that anything in excess abundance within your life is being passed on to another community member who needs to use it. In essence it […]

Why don’t we Ask?

Why Don’t We Ask? “You must be the change you want to see in the world.” — Mahatma Gandhi  Once it became self-evident to me that the best way in which to affect positive change in the world was to change yourself, I began an investigation into the most effective ways to do so. I want to emphasize that from my own personal, direct experience, this idea is so obvious to […]

Why don’t we Ask?

Why Don’t We Ask? “You must be the change you want to see in the world.” — Mahatma Gandhi  Once it became self-evident to me that the best way in which to affect positive change in the world was to change yourself, I began an investigation into the most effective ways to do so. I want to emphasize that from my own personal, direct experience, this idea is so obvious to […]