Remembering the Guardians

Remembering the Guardians   Every opportunity I have received to explore the Red Wood forests of California has left me with a sense of awe, wonder, and humility. The giant, spiraling guardians towering above, touching the sky with their limbs. I learn more in an afternoon playing than I would during a whole day in front of a screen on the internet. Walking around is like being in a momentary […]

Marching For Peaceful Resolutions

Marching For Peaceful Resolutions     For the past eighteen years, cities across the United States have rallied on October 22nd to show solidarity against police brutality. I am learning that occurrences of police brutality are much more numerous and severe in the United States than they are back home in Canada. A sad truth that is only deepened through the discovery that such violence often leads to death. This […]

Clockwork Life

Clockwork Life Ticking away the moments That make up a dull day Fritter and waste the hours In an off-hand way Kicking around on a piece of ground In your home town Waiting for someone or something To show you the way — “Time” by Pink Floyd — It has been said the key invention that facilitated the Industrial Revolution was not in fact the steam engine. In reality it […]

A Dreamer’s Dream: Uniting Work and Play Through the Gift {Right Hemisphere}

  A Dreamer’s Dream: Uniting Work and Play Through the Gift {The Right Hemisphere}     * “An individual reunifies with the world when she seeks no longer to triumph over it or control it, but to give to the world and accept its gifts in the full recognition of gratitude. That is what I call “Living in the gift.” Harking to the hunter-gatherer, it is a state of abundance […]

(Un)Earth Magic

    (Un)Earth Magic I fear a world in which the rules control the rule makers.  . I was feeling dejected and a little let down yesterday after having yet another potential experience squelched by the excuse, “there is nothing I can do, that is just the rule”. I had fallen in love with the forest at Patrick’s Point State Park and proposed to the park attendant an alternative to […]

A Virgin Burn

A Virgin Burn There exists a world within the hearts and minds of each of us, already here, yet still awaiting to be born. It is felt as a calling to return to a state of being we have forgotten, yet never really lost. As we open to the unfolding of this dream we realize there is nothing to learn, only that which need to be remembered. Day by day, […]

Opening the Heart Center Through Release

Opening the Heart Center Through Release   It is through direct experience that we are able to discover our truth. We are experiential beings. How can we know what brings us our highest fulfillment unless we cast off from the safe shore and dip into the unbounded potential that life has to offer?   I have spent the last four days at a magical place called Dinosaur Provincial Park in […]

Muse Juice

Muse Juice   There is beauty and love everywhere, all you need is the openness to give and receive it… then everything changes.   Discovering a new community is like being welcomed home by a family you did not know you had. I was filled with gratitude and honoured this past weekend when I was able to connect with a tribe in Edmonton called ArcaTribe. I was excited when I […]

Embracing the Power of Intention

Embracing the Power of Intention   A Bout With Intent About a week ago my entire perspective on life changed when I made a major life decision. This decision came after a long period of deliberation and avoidance. Some part of me knew this was the decision I was going to make, yet I found myself denying the possibility because I was avoiding the potential implications of such a choice. […]

Follow Your Heart

Follow Your Heart   This piece I have written could be somewhat considered a goodbye letter. I am leaving tomorrow until December 14th to follow the path I am being called along at this present time in my life. Until today, I have only told one person I am going on this trip. I’m not entirely sure why I chose to keep this to myself, perhaps it was partly out […]