The Spirit of the Gift: A Storymap to Living in the Gift

Cover design by Phi @ ***** Storymap – a symbolic expression and exploration of a subjective terrain of experience. The Spirit of the Gift emerged as a lifelong dream condensed a multi-year journey into a single moment of creation. This storymap to living in the gift is a fruit of the exploration and experimentation within the embodiment of a new Story of the World. It is my gift to the […]

Alchemizing Nightmares

  Alchemizing Nightmares Night was falling on Tokyo as I walked away from the hotel where I had had a room booked for the night. My heart was heavy from the difficulties and unanticipated turn of events over the last few days. The rain from the day had turned to wet snow. I was wearing shorts and water soaked rope sandals; my toes were going numb. I had no way […]

Radical Self-Acceptance

Radical Self-Acceptance   “The attitude of “heroism” is based upon the assumption that we are bad, impure, that we are not worthy, are not ready for spiritual understanding. We must reform ourselves, be different from what we are… We become vegetarians and we become this and that. There are so many things to become. We think our path is spiritual because it is literally against the flow of what we […]

Five Traveling Insights: Nomadic Truths From One Perspective

Five Traveling Insights: Nomadic Truths From One Perspective   For as long as I can remember I have enjoyed the adventure of traveling. The notion of a two week vacation over the entire year seemed absurd to me when contrasted with a childhood of nomadic summers. Now, the entire idea of “vacation” is something that I have let go of. I discovered that I was using the excuse of being […]

Moving Deeper Into the Gift: A Call of Support

Moving Deeper Into the Gift: A Call of Support   Remembering my dreams and releasing limiting thoughts restricting their realization is a process that gifts me the opportunity to heal deep wounds. Why am I afraid to dream big? What stories attach themselves to exciting ideas I have? Where do my beliefs of what is possible come from? Who am I to deserve my dreams, to be happy, when suffering […]

Circle of Gratitude: Seeding the Heart

Circle of Gratitude Seeding the Heart   By recognizing the creative power our stories receive from the agreements we make about our world, we take the first step in becoming the authors of our lives and actors of our story. Once we start observing the language we use to report our lives happening to us, the pattern is broken, and we remember that it is our intention behind the language […]

Moving Into Conscious Relationship: Five Tips for Communal Living

Moving Into Conscious Relationship Five Tips for Communal Living   I would like to dive into a topic that has been a major theme of experience and reflection for me during the last few years. While I hardly consider myself an expert (still learning just as much as I always have) on communal living, I feel drawn to share a few observations that have come into focus in that time. […]

Swimming with Dolphins

Swimming With Dolphins   Do you remember the first person you fell in love with? I mean the very first. Way back when you knew the exact qualities that attracted you, even if you couldn’t pin point what they were – that’s how we knew so fast. What is this new feeling we thought? I remember the lessons from Bambi – this is the feeling of being twitterpaited! What a […]

Decomposing the Shadow: A Book Reflection

“Decomposing The Shadow: Lessons from the Psilocybin Mushroom” A Book Reflection   After a quick investigation into the research being shared surrounding mycelium and this unique organism’s ability to decompose and re-balance our planet, it is easy to see mushrooms as an emerging solution to many of the challenges we are facing. Pioneers such as Paul Stamets are showing how mushrooms can be used for everything from cleaning toxic soils […]

Releasing Addiction Through Story

Releasing Addiction Through Story I used to think I wanted to watch a movie at the end of the day. Now I realize what I truly desired was to share in story. Before the breakdown of community, people would gather together in the evening and give their creative gifts of food, song, dance, and story. We would know our neighbours through the giving of the day and the nourishing of […]