Moving Deeper Into the Gift: A Call of Support

Moving Deeper Into the Gift: A Call of Support   Remembering my dreams and releasing limiting thoughts restricting their realization is a process that gifts me the opportunity to heal deep wounds. Why am I afraid to dream big? What stories attach themselves to exciting ideas I have? Where do my beliefs of what is possible come from? Who am I to deserve my dreams, to be happy, when suffering […]

Swimming with Dolphins

Swimming With Dolphins   Do you remember the first person you fell in love with? I mean the very first. Way back when you knew the exact qualities that attracted you, even if you couldn’t pin point what they were – that’s how we knew so fast. What is this new feeling we thought? I remember the lessons from Bambi – this is the feeling of being twitterpaited! What a […]

Money Motivation

Money Motivation     There is an incredibly uplifting energy present at sunrise each day. The first rays of light cresting the horizon bring the forest alive, as creatures of all shapes and sizes sing their morning song. Greeting the Sun each day fills me with vitality and lightness as beams of love warm my face. It’s nice to know that Earth has got my back though – those same […]

Living Our Potential

Living Our Potential     I am filled with gratitude and a renewed vitality waking up for my third morning with the Golden Gate bridge and ocean waves out my window. Canadian Thanksgiving, parting with a lover, and the awareness of the U.S. Government shut down and nearing debt default have sparked much reflection as themes of gratitude, love, and fear are reflected back to me. I find myself discovering […]

A Dreamer’s Dream: Uniting Work and Play Through the Gift {Right Hemisphere}

  A Dreamer’s Dream: Uniting Work and Play Through the Gift {The Right Hemisphere}     * “An individual reunifies with the world when she seeks no longer to triumph over it or control it, but to give to the world and accept its gifts in the full recognition of gratitude. That is what I call “Living in the gift.” Harking to the hunter-gatherer, it is a state of abundance […]

(Un)Earth Magic

    (Un)Earth Magic I fear a world in which the rules control the rule makers.  . I was feeling dejected and a little let down yesterday after having yet another potential experience squelched by the excuse, “there is nothing I can do, that is just the rule”. I had fallen in love with the forest at Patrick’s Point State Park and proposed to the park attendant an alternative to […]

A Virgin Burn

A Virgin Burn There exists a world within the hearts and minds of each of us, already here, yet still awaiting to be born. It is felt as a calling to return to a state of being we have forgotten, yet never really lost. As we open to the unfolding of this dream we realize there is nothing to learn, only that which need to be remembered. Day by day, […]

Embracing the Power of Intention

Embracing the Power of Intention   A Bout With Intent About a week ago my entire perspective on life changed when I made a major life decision. This decision came after a long period of deliberation and avoidance. Some part of me knew this was the decision I was going to make, yet I found myself denying the possibility because I was avoiding the potential implications of such a choice. […]

Top Five Community Event Creation Tips

Top Five Community Event Creation Tips I am inspired when I witness the increasing courage among individuals as they take a leap of faith by making themselves vulnerable in an act of devotion to their truest self expression. It is the moment you decide to do what you love. The moment you share your truth. The moment you let go of figuring out how life will work out and trust […]

A Dream of Giving Back

A Dream of Giving Back Mat Rix is fundraising in order to dedicate himself to giving back to, and strengthening, his local community as well as a rural Shipibo (Peruvian) community. I am embarking on a committed, deeply personal, and collective journey of transformation, inner discovery, emotional healing, and community building over the final half of this year. I intend on travelling to a rural Shipibo community in Peru to […]