The Apocalypse Revival: Facing the Tipping Point

“An apocalypse, translated literally from Greek, is a disclosure of knowledge, i.e., a lifting of the veil or revelation. In religious contexts it is usually a disclosure of something hidden, “a vision of heavenly secrets that can make sense of earthly realities”.” — Source: Wikipedia What is it about the idea of end time scenarios that make them such a common theme of the stories told by humanity? Throughout history, cultures the world […]

Cultural Creatives and Creative Investment: A New Economic Model of Support

Why is creativity important in the face of today’s enormous social, ecological, and global crisis? What kind of opportunity is being born through such crises? Do solutions exist that have the potential to transform the planet and create the more beautiful world we dream of? We live in a world where the monetization of life has reached its extreme; a world where nearly all of the relationships that once existed […]

Repurposing Creativity: Making the Transition to Adulthood

As I stood on the soft, damp ground in my bare feet, I found myself immersed in the reflective and present moment experience that only an act of creativity can birth. Making what I call “Nature Art” opens me up to a level of joy that few activities are able to match. I love the process and I am unattached to the outcome. I understand Now that we are creative […]

Living in the Gift: Awakening to Creativity and Transforming Money

I want to clarify right off that I do not mean to say anyone should or should not do what I choose to do. There is no wrong way or better way. I am not an expert at anything.Please, don’t believe what I write. It’s all just a story. Enjoy! Time as Money I like to ponder the cultural practice of attaching a numerical value to time, as a dollar amount, […]

Freeing Creativity: Supporting a World of What We Love

Think back to when you were a young child. What did you want to be when you grew up? After having lived twenty-eight years I find it to be a funny question. Why would I want to settle on one thing when there is so much to choose from? At its core though, such a question can contain a powerful clue for the you, now. What form of creativity is […]

The Circle of Gratitude: Part Eight – Celebrating Support

This is the eighth Part of The Circle of Gratitude Story series. Be sure to check out the Whole overview and introduction here. Full archives at the bottom of the post.   The Circle of Gratitude is a platform for people to create gift relationships within a community of individuals desiring to support each other.   The Circle of Gratitude is a dream that has been evolving over the last […]

The Circle of Gratitude: Part Seven – Kindling Desire

This is the seventh Part of The Circle of Gratitude Story series. Be sure to check out the Whole overview and introduction here. Full archives at the bottom of the post.   The Circle of Gratitude is a platform for people to create gift relationships within a community of individuals desiring to support each other.   The Circle of Gratitude is a dream that has been evolving over the last […]

The Circle of Gratitude: Part Five – Watering Gift Relationships

  This is the fifth Part of The Circle of Gratitude Story series. Be sure to check out the Whole overview and introduction here. Full archives at the bottom of the post.   The Circle of Gratitude is a platform for people to create gift relationships within a community of individuals desiring to support each other.   The Circle of Gratitude is a dream that has been evolving over the […]

The Circle of Gratitude: Part Three – Planting the Platform

  This is the third Part of The Circle of Gratitude Story series. Be sure to check out the Whole overview and introduction here. Full archives at the bottom of the post.   The Circle of Gratitude is a platform for people to create gift relationships within a community of individuals desiring to support each other.   The Circle of Gratitude is a dream that has been evolving over the […]

The Circle of Gratitude: A New Story of Philanthropy

This is a story that I am practicing each day. In this practice, I open myself to feedback and questions from others so that I can refine, respond, and create greater clarity around the language and intention behind it. Each step of the way I am supported by those inspired by my gifts and I desire to share this opportunity with anyone who wishes to free their creative potential and co-create […]