Skills Needed for a Co-Creation

Skills Needed for a Co-creation I am pulling together a team of individuals to support the collective creation of an idea. I am unable to access this innovation alone and require the help of others who are aligned with the vision and purpose. If you are curious to know more than I share in this blog, I ask that you contact me to open a dialogue of intention and I […]

Swimming with Dolphins

Swimming With Dolphins   Do you remember the first person you fell in love with? I mean the very first. Way back when you knew the exact qualities that attracted you, even if you couldn’t pin point what they were – that’s how we knew so fast. What is this new feeling we thought? I remember the lessons from Bambi – this is the feeling of being twitterpaited! What a […]

A Gift for the Ocean

  A Gift for the Ocean Inspiration from Andy Goldsworthy   I looked down at the clumps of stringy ocean plants, speckled rhythmically along the smooth sandy beach. What an abundance of beautiful art all around me, I thought. Suddenly, one particular clump caught my eye – it was a large mound with a curved tail coming off of it, in the shape of a spiral! Inspiration struck and I […]

Diving into the Moment

    Diving into the Moment     The sun causes my skin to ignite with heat as I run, my bare feet sinking into the soft sand.   As my breathing quickens, my heart beats to match the pace, synching with the rhythmic pulse of the waves at my side.   Soft curves, topped with white shimmering allure, beckon me closer, the refreshing coolness lapping at my feet.   […]

Chaga Your Spring Water!

Chaga Your Spring Water!       Where does the idea that we human beings are able to “improve” the Earth’s processes come from? Year after year we exert new systems of manipulation and control over the Natural world with greater effort to cushion ourselves from the wildness of Mother Nature. What is the end goal? Is there one?   *****   For a little over one year now I […]