A Shambhala Lifetime

  A Shambhala Lifetime   I emerge from a whirlwind of intensity – kicked into the trenches, dragged through the mud, rinsed clean in the currents, and uplifted to soar on the clouds of the festival experience. Freed from the social constraints of our box world, a journey of individual and collective metamorphosis was inevitable. Together, in the forest, under the stars,  and among the mountains, we gathered to celebrate a […]

Lover Earth

  Lover Earth   The key is to live your life as though every moment of your existence were an act of making love.   Driving across Canada the past month has created a powerful perspective in my mind, and today I felt the impact of this newly formed image. Along the 4000 plus kilometers traversed, I have seen some of the most breathtaking and unique landscapes, breaking apart the […]

Circle of Gratitude

image courtesy of eyenod studios This is an idea I have been working on for a couple weeks now and I am super inspired to bring it into reality. If this is something that you would like to help me out with or have suggestions for, please let me know! I am always trying to talk to people about it and so far it seems very well received 🙂   […]

Diving into the Moment

    Diving into the Moment     The sun causes my skin to ignite with heat as I run, my bare feet sinking into the soft sand.   As my breathing quickens, my heart beats to match the pace, synching with the rhythmic pulse of the waves at my side.   Soft curves, topped with white shimmering allure, beckon me closer, the refreshing coolness lapping at my feet.   […]

A Timeless Affirmation

A Timeless Affirmation     As I bring my awareness to the present moment, I observe thoughts passing by like clouds. There is never nothing going on. As I bring my attention to the timeless Now, I release all that is limiting my full presence. I experience a peaceful acceptance. All of my attention is in this moment, I relax into my body, my breath, and my senses. My mind […]

Pyramid Schemes to Community Circles

Pyramid Schemes to Community Circles       Language is a technology that carries with it the potential to awaken as well as ensnare. The stories we tell about our world are constructed through the language we use. The limitations of our language limit our stories, and by extension, limit our reality. When we view language as a static, objective, and definitive tool, we forget that it is in fact […]

The Myth of Conquering Our Desires

  The Myth of Conquering Our Desires       “Our culture generally lives the myth of the heroic and self-sufficient ego rather than the collaborative community. We unconsciously act out the heroic story in our dealings with the world by conquering adversaries, actualizing personal potential, and practicing self-reliance.” — Shaun McNiff “We do not see our stories as stories because we see through them: the world we experience as […]

Prairie Magic

Prairie Magic   Straight ahead was the direction, no winding or hills to be had. My camper cruising along the highway, living life like a nomad.   An evening at a paved truck stop, the distant hum of vehicles fill the background. The next spent among the trees, with the chirps of birds and wind rustling all around.   At each stop I refill the necessities, like a cell receiving […]

Western Guilt Culture

  Western Guilt Culture   It was a hot, humid evening in the Amazonian jungle of Peru. The date marked the shortest of the year in the Southern Hemisphere: the Winter Solstice of 2011. I was sitting on a pillow at the edge of my mattress, which was one of twenty-three in a circle covering the floor of the Maloka. The Shipibo Maestras and Maestros (female and male “Shamans”)were still […]

Opening the Heart Center Through Release

Opening the Heart Center Through Release   It is through direct experience that we are able to discover our truth. We are experiential beings. How can we know what brings us our highest fulfillment unless we cast off from the safe shore and dip into the unbounded potential that life has to offer?   I have spent the last four days at a magical place called Dinosaur Provincial Park in […]