Free Flowin’ Session 2

I was hit with another spark of inspiration today that I decided to use in order to plow through my fears of doing this podcast. I apologize for the background wind noise – I will try to be in a quiet place next time but there is no way to plan for sudden inspiration 😉

This next free flow (no planning) session I recorded on Wednesday, May 23rd is about biking, privacy, community, healing past emotional woundings, collaborating, ideas, and transcending ego.

Any feedback or comments are welcome – I am always looking to improve and evolve myself and my work <3


Mat Rix

Disclaimer: Some of the material may be disruptive to your normal thought flow. DO NOT believe anything I say. Conduct your OWN research. Decide for YOURSELF! Turn within and ask for the truth and you will find it <3 I hope we can connect in the future – much love!

Download Link (right click, save as): Mat Rix Podcast: Free Flowin’ Episode 2


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