Letting Go of the Safe Shore
Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end
Words are not nearly adequate enough for me to express how I am feeling after the final celebratory weekend at Eden’s Cove. Like waves crashing on the shore, I am cycling through a smorgasbord of mixed emotions as each day passes by, deepening the realization of transition. While I cannot speak for others, I am confident that most of what I am sharing resonates with each of the stewards of this magical space. Eden’s Cove is slowly emptying out, which can bring a certain sadness with it; there will be a grieving process to honour. At the same time, joy arises in the knowing that there are pieces of this place being sent to all corners of the city and beyond.
When people asked me where Eden’s Cove was moving to, I told them it was being carried in the hearts of every individual who has entered the home. Our mission was to create a new story and to share in the creation of that story with a supportive community. Each individual will carry a piece of that tale with them to share with the greater community. Whatever the story meant to you, whether it sparked hope, possibility, inspiration, generosity, community, love, or support, I ask that you now keep that seed sacred within your heart so that it will one day blossom fully.
Reflecting on the time I have spent here, I am filled with gratitude from the incredible connections that have been made. At the same time, there is a sadness for the connection opportunities that slipped away. I apologize to all of the people I was not able to get to know at a deeper level and hope that our paths will one day cross again. Despite the impression many people may have of me, it has only been recently that I became aware of my fear of intimacy with others. With the realization of that fear, I have been able to slowly dissolve it by being present and opening up to others to create a deeper connection. I am grateful for your help and love as I step more fully into myself.
The time here at Eden’s Cove has been so magical that it is difficult to even believe how it has evolved. I have received in ways I did not know were possible and have given in ways that have fulfilled me to new heights. I have learned of the unlimited potential that resides in each one of us and I am grateful for being in a space that empowers, inspires, and supports the flourishing of our collective potential. I also believe that what we have collectively created is only the beginning; we have just scratched the surface of what we can accomplish together in co-creation.
What Eden’s Cove means and how that meaning is carried forward will be unique to each person that stepped into the space. Even though we are moving out and the home is being sold, the story continues with each of us writing our piece day by day. What was created in this home goes beyond the building, the land, and the tangible items in the house. At its core, what made Eden’s Cove was each and every person who contributed, however they were called to. Whether that was with time, material items, a heartfelt compliment, sharing a story with a friend, financial flow, food, a giant bear hug, a piece of universal wisdom, or simply sharing their presence and attention, Eden’s Cove opened the door for an expanded window of giving and receiving. My only wish is that every one of you received something positive and inspiring for your journey of healing, growing, and loving.
From the depths of my being I thank you for coming together with me in community, celebration, laughter, openness, sharing, and loving. I will always be connected in support and inspiration to this community, wherever my path takes me.
I will forever hold this chapter in a special place in my heart.
Dream big my cosmic family <3
Whatever the new beginning is for you now,
allow yourself to be swept away by the sweet freedom that comes with it.
Growth is around the corner
One thought on “Letting Go of the Safe Shore”
Thanks for all that you are brother, I hear you, and I honour your process of expansion and vulnerability. In Lak’ech Ala K’in. <3